One of the most used industrial methods, having superseded the pack and salt bath processes. Furnaces suitable for this method are expensive but are economical in operation since large payloads are possible, and their automatic operation allows very efficient manning levels; two operators being able to manage three or more furnaces, depending on the process cycle times employed. Efficiency has been further enhanced by the development of automated material handling systems and linked computer control of all furnace process parameters and work movement between furnaces. Both batch type and continuous furnaces have been developed for gas carburising. Pit furnaces were amongst the first to be modified for gas carburising, but they require separate quench tanks, with attendant process control and safety risks.
One of the most used industrial methods, having superseded the pack and salt bath processes. Furnaces suitable for this method are expensive but are economical in operation since large payloads are possible, and their automatic operation allows very efficient manning levels; two operators being able to manage three or more furnaces, depending on the process cycle times employed. Efficiency has been further enhanced by the development of automated material handling systems and linked computer control of all furnace process parameters and work movement between furnaces. Both batch type and continuous furnaces have been developed for gas carburising. Pit furnaces were amongst the first to be modified for gas carburising, but they require separate quench tanks, with attendant process control and safety risks.
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