A pleasant-smelling, colourless liquid compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen with the formula C2H5OH.
Commonly known as ethanol, it is the alcohol found in beer and spirits. Although it is the major constituent of industrial alcohol, the latter is not pure and is harmful if drunk. To prevent it being consumed, nauseous chemicals are added and it is called denatured alcohol.
Alcohol is widely used in industry as a solvent, a weak degreaser and a drying agent to remove water, with which it mixes completely in all proportions. Its freezing point is -144ºC which is why it is used in low-temperature thermometers (mercury freezes at -39ºC). It vaporises easily and is highly flammable.
Properties: | Melting point | -144°C |
Boiling point | 78°C | |
Relative density | 0.789 (Water = 1) | |
Flash point | 14°C | |
Auto-ignition temperature | 363°C | |
Explosive limits | 3 to 25% in air |
See also denatured alcohol, industrial alcohol
A pleasant-smelling, colourless liquid compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen with the formula C2H5OH.
Commonly known as ethanol, it is the alcohol found in beer and spirits. Although it is the major constituent of industrial alcohol, the latter is not pure and is harmful if drunk. To prevent it being consumed, nauseous chemicals are added and it is called denatured alcohol.
Alcohol is widely used in industry as a solvent, a weak degreaser and a drying agent to remove water, with which it mixes completely in all proportions. Its freezing point is -144ºC which is why it is used in low-temperature thermometers (mercury freezes at -39ºC). It vaporises easily and is highly flammable.
Properties: | Melting point | -144°C |
Boiling point | 78°C | |
Relative density | 0.789 (Water = 1) | |
Flash point | 14°C | |
Auto-ignition temperature | 363°C | |
Explosive limits | 3 to 25% in air |
See also denatured alcohol, industrial alcohol
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