Those properties of a material which are determined by mechanical means.
Mechanical properties are determined by tests involving the deformation or destruction of the piece being tested. Typical tests used are tensile, impact, bend, stressrupture, creep, hardness and fatigue tests.
Since all of these tests damage or destroy material, they are often carried out on test pieces representative of the components, rather than the expensive components themselves. Hardness tests can be carried out on components that have a suitable area which will not be damaged by the impression left by the test.
Those properties of a material which are determined by mechanical means.
Mechanical properties are determined by tests involving the deformation or destruction of the piece being tested. Typical tests used are tensile, impact, bend, stressrupture, creep, hardness and fatigue tests.
Since all of these tests damage or destroy material, they are often carried out on test pieces representative of the components, rather than the expensive components themselves. Hardness tests can be carried out on components that have a suitable area which will not be damaged by the impression left by the test.
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